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Abaddon Dota 2 Item Bundles


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Other hero sets are also available.

Anointed Armor of Ruination Set *

Arsenal of the Demonic Vessel Set with Loading Screen *

Compendium Rider of Avarice Set with Loading Screen **

Darkness Wanderer's Armor Set *

Drowned Horseman Set **

Enveloping Despair Set with Loading Screen **

Mark of the Mistral Fiend Set with Loading Screen **

Rider of Avarice Set with Loading Screen **

Sermon of the Frozen Apostle Set **

Vespertine Guard Set with Loading Screen **

For other Abaddon Dota 2 items, just send us a message.

BONUS: Abaddon has Immortal items in Dota 2.
Abaddon Immortal - TI3 ( Mace of the Chosen )

Other items:
Mounts: Dreadsteed of Avernus, Hallgul the War Mount, Soulhoof

Weapons: Blackmist Blade, Demon Edge, Emissary's Blade, Fractured Sword, Hollow Ripper, Iceshard, Mistblade, Mistbreaker, Phantom's Reaper

10/10 - September 2017