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PGC Weapon Set - PUBG

PGC Pick ‘Em Challenge Skins

PGC 2019 - AKM

PGC 2019 – MINI14
PGC 2019 – PAN

PGC 2019 – SCAR-L

PGC 2019 – KAR98K

From November 5 to November 22, 2019, players on PC who purchase a PGC item will receive a voting coupon that will let them predict their favorite team to win the championship.

Coupons can also be earned by securing a top-ten finish in a Public Match of PUBG.

No matter how it’s earned, a voting coupon can only be used once to vote for one team, but an accurate pick will grant winners the entire PGC Weapon Skin Set.

For those who want to purchase other PUBG skins, message us: